Alopecia in women – is a delicate problem that can affect self-esteem and self-confidence.

     Wigs  and overlays from Korol Natali,  will help restore confidence, emphasizing natural beauty due to their high quality and comfortable fastening.

     Korol Natali products are manufactured using the most modern technologies, which guarantees maximum naturalness and invisibility.
        You will be able to choose different styles and colors that perfectly match your image and mood.

     Say goodbye to your complexes and enjoy life with a new hairstyle from Korol Natali.

     Feel more confident and comfortable while enjoying the impeccable quality and natural look.

     Your comfort and beauty – is our main goal!


Our address is   vul.Bogdan Khmelnitsky,58A

We work daily from 10.00 to 18.00 (by appointment).

Tel.: +380984557575

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