
 Intimate head thing is valued on the world market for its weight in gold

Known at least two or three people in modern Kiev, who made a fortune on the purchase and sale of women's hair. They still occupy a high position in society. And although in the last ten years this type of business has somewhat pulverized, hunters for "scalps" travel to cities and towns in search of pigtails. It's worth the sheepskin.

European hair is now in great fashion and in great price on the international market. They use it to grow their own hair. They make wigs out of it. Without a good natural hairpiece today no star of the capital show business. For a businesswoman in Kiev a spare hairstyle is like a pair of good shoes - put it on and forget about all the problems. It's the right time to cut hair. If only there was someone.


     For a kilogram of hair, Kiev's buying points charge a decent price. "Kilogram" - sounds fascinating. But on the head, even very well-groomed, a dense braid about five centimeters wide and up to 40 centimeters long weighs only 200-250 grams. It's a shame. So many years to carry the weight, wash it with the best shampoos, dry it, comb it. And to give it to the buyer for some 70 hryvnias. They do. For our city - it's money is quite small, for the village - very decent.

     Modern hunters for "scalps", despite the technical possibilities (ads posted on all the poles, the Internet), are not afraid to travel to the periphery with the organization of a proper advertising campaign and the call to surrender hair. Local Undines respond for two reasons: either they are bored to death with their braids, which require expensive care, or they simply need money.

Even ten years ago, the question "where to take, where to take" was not acute. Ten kilograms in one go could be taken. The fence-sitters were jubilant. And not only those who had already found an international component, but primarily those who were engaged in the post-juggling craft, that is, the production of wigs.

      The demand for wigs began to increase. To what is this due. Whether by general "blackbolization", whether by "chemization", whether by globalization - no one can say for sure. But the people began to go completely bald.

Men somehow survive it and even manage to collect moral dividends, but for a woman baldness is a terrible thing. And ladies living in a metropolis, especially this trouble is exposed. First, strong stress and psycho-emotional overload. Secondly, various diseases in which girls 16-17 years old already have a pronounced thinning of hair in the frontal-parietal region. Plus the widespread misfortune, when after childbirth hair falls out from the lack of vitamins and micronutrients in breastfeeding. And even lack of socialization. And then there is such a reason as a change of residence (different mineral composition of water, different food). In general, the slogan is: who has hair in abundance, share with the native. Period.


The global hair market behaves like a market with all the attributes due to it. Not always clear from the point of view of the average person. For example, why to bring to Ukraine raw materials from Italy, where Indian hair is added (10 percent per 100 kilograms), if the current trend is the Slavic type of hair. Our hair is bought (except Italy) by America (most of all), Israel, Argentina, Great Britain, Czech Republic (which resells it to Italy). Some kind of hair cycle in nature. Well, let's say the British women have hair problems, but the Argentine women do. The economic crisis of 2002 forced hundreds of poor Argentine women to surrender their hair to wig factories. These women earned a living and saved their men from starvation. In Israel the situation was different, religious. Wigs made of Indian hair were forbidden to wear at all: they said it was not kosher. There was even a mass burning of wigs with Indian hair. After that, the demand for the Slavic version increased sharply.

      And how to export. Under what rules. And under which category our native hair passes.

      They say it's recyclable. Well it's not pig stubble, after all. By the way, in the same England, the import and use of human hair is not subject to quality control, is not subject to duties and is not regulated in any way at all. "Since there are no restrictions, we don't know where the hair comes from,"" said a spokeswoman for the British Customs and Excise Department. That's fine. We don't know where our hair comes from for overseas either - prisons, TB hospitals or more decent places. We don't have controls and problems, they don't have the same - what's more. Business is business, and if someone has found his niche, God bless him. Cut the hair of convicts, tuberculosis patients, anyone. It's nobody's business, as it turns out. And we are not interested. The main thing is that "suit" fit. After all, why should good things go to waste.


      Good really shouldn't go to waste. And they export it not in tons, but in kilograms. 100 kilograms or more. It has become very difficult to collect tons. And it's hard to take it out too. They told a case when 80 kilograms of excellent hair was sent over the cordon, and it was almost lost there. And when the shipment came back, the wholesalers were overjoyed: they bought the product again. That is why our comrades prefer not to contact buyers, and those come and make purchases themselves.

The system of buying up hair nevertheless justifies itself. No other method has yet been invented. You need money, you bring a braid. And with all our hairlessness there are some Kiev buyers who manage to "cut" up to 500 kilograms of hair at a length of 30-35 cm. Another hundred - at a length of 40-45 centimeters. And there are up to a thousand kilograms of different lengths. A pigtail from a district, a centimeter from a village. Although, if you look strictly, there are no licenses for buying. And whether they are needed is also a question.


      If one were to make a wig from start to finish by herself and exclusively by hand, it would take three months.

      Natalia KOROL, a great and almost the only master in Kiev to make wigs from natural hair handmade. The cost is decent. But not so great, as by the standards of the world. Self-respecting madam can afford it. True, there are problems with the collection of hair - in the capital somehow all shorn prefer to walk. But here to buy then "ponytail" of someone else's dignity - it's normal.

       Natalia makes wigs "to order" and for men. True, for them it is more difficult. Their heads are somehow unconventional and atypical. What a lovely observation. Well, and to now grow gorgeous hair on the heads of our girls - it's almost nonsense. It's true that young people nowadays prefer length, but that doesn't mean that it's of any use to hair buyers.

      Not long ago, a near worldwide scandal broke. Victoria Beckham publicly stated that her "hair" is "material"taken from Russian prisons. "I'm wearing a whole prison cell"," she said.

      Simon Forbes, who invented hair extensions, was outraged and considered the use of "natural" hair immoral. Hairdressers also expressed their concern about the origin of human hair. 

         But, in truth, it is such a peculiar product.



Hair should be cut according to the rules.

First. The person who cuts your hair changes your biofield. Choose a barber energetic and cheerful.

Two. It is better not to cut your own hair. The roots of this superstition lie in an important problem: it is very difficult for a person to cure himself.

Third. It is better to have your hair cut by a person of the same sex as you.

And then the well-known omens: you should cut your hair with a full moon, do not throw your hair in the water, etc.


In the fourteenth century, wigs were a subject of trade and exchange, as they were very expensive. Even the hair of executed criminals was used. The owners of lush hair, sentenced to capital punishment, bequeathed their locks to their loved ones.


And rightly so: what's the use. After all, a wig is not only personal beauty. In different eras it was worn to emphasize their status, to hide baldness, to protect themselves from sunstroke or from the cold. And now these signs to some extent (not aggravated) can be traced. On every continent. Which makes the hair trade a highly relevant business.


Salon King Natalia is located at the address Kiev Bogdana Khmelnitsky str. 58A , of no small importance is the convenient location of the Salon,  convenient  free parking  on either side of the building on your   choice. In the Salon you can always tidy yourself up with the help of our products and our masters.